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ヒラリーはコリン化するのか? - 今日の覚書、集めてみました

Will Barack Obama make Hillary Clinton secretary of state?
Mark Tran
guardian.co.uk, Friday November 14 2008

Former Democratic rival and first lady has emerged as a possible member of the cabinet

Through clenched teeth...
"Man, I wish you were dead. (死ねばいいのに)"
"So do I! Wow, what a coincidence! Can I join you then?(私もそう思ってたわ!気が合うじゃない。じゃ、仲間に入れてよ)"

Speculation is rife about the possibility of Hillary Clinton becoming secretary of state in an Obama administration after Andrea Mitchell of NBC broke the news that she is under serious consideration.


At first blush such a move seems odd as the two fought such a ferocious battle during the primaries. The Democrats were so worried about the intensity of the campaign that they feared the two would damage each other irreparably in a political version of the Ali-Frazier "Thrilla in Manila" grudge match.


There is also the problem of Bill Clinton. Having Hillary in the Obama White House is one thing, but what about having Bill as an ex-president backseat driver? Could Bill resist meddling in presidential matters? Those are just some of the reasons the appointment might stretch credulity.


But with a little delving, the matter is not so implausible. Mike Allen on Politico reminds us that in an interview in January Obama referred to a biography of Abraham Lincoln, by Doris Kearns Goodwin, that pointed out Lincoln's capacity to bring in opponents who had run against his cabinet.


It should also not be forgotten that despite their earlier rivalry, Clinton campaigned strongly for Obama towards the end of the campaign. Then there is the matter of Obama's supreme confidence - he would have no problem appointing her.


Some Obama advisers are also apparently arguing that her celebrity and credibility would be a huge plus as he seeks to rebuild America's relations with its allies.


To be fair to George Bush, he has already backed away from his earlier unilateralism, with Condoleezza Rice, the secretary of state, and Robert Gates, the secretary of defence, already busy repairing America's relations with its friends.


Still, Allen quotes one Obama adviser as saying how Clinton's prestige would be an asset.


"You can send John Kerry or Chuck Hagel," said one adviser, mentioning some other candidates for secretary of state, "or you can send Hillary Clinton. That's totally different."


Kerry, the failed Democratic candidate in 2004, and Hagel, a moderate Republican senator from Nebraska, have emerged as other candidates for the job of America's top diplomat.


In terms of political machinations, there are other good reasons for giving Clinton the job. She would be in the tent but also out of the way, focusing on foreign problems while leaving Obama to concentrate on the economy, his top priority.


It's a point that Steve Clemons makes at Washington Note.


This is EXACTLY what George W Bush did to his most serious rival in 2000, Colin Powell. He gave Powell secretary of state and then began to box him up. Barack Obama may be on the same track with Hillary Clinton who is and was his chief rival in the Democratic Party today.


That leads naturally to the question as to whether Clinton would accept. And if she did, whether she would make a good secretary of state.


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